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daash puzzle booking


I'm Daash Saxena, and my music is more than just sound—it's a vibrant, pulsating energy that speaks to the very soul of our modern world. Through my music, I aim to create a bridge between our world and the realms of plant spirits, the ancient Gaia, and the diverse civilizations of humanity, past and present.

I believe that music is a powerful tool for communication, not just with each other, but with the divine and extraterrestrial beings that may exist beyond our understanding. With every note, I strive to tap into these higher frequencies, to connect with the gods and aliens, and to explore the boundless possibilities of our universe.

But my music is not just about communication; it's also about healing. I believe that the vibrations and frequencies we create can influence the very fabric of our reality, including the weather patterns that shape our world. Through our collective energy and intention, we have the power to heal, to create, and to transform.

Join me on this musical journey, as we explore the limitless potential of sound and frequencies, and harness their power to create a better world for all. Together, we can change the world, one vibration at a time.

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